
Presets Ikona. are pre-configured changes to individual settings that make photo editing quick and easy. They are divided up into several categories:

  • Auto-enhancement
  • Color
  • Black-and-white
  • Components
  • Tool Actions
  • Old Presets
  • and Custom Presets

After choosing a preset, you can adjust the intensity of the given preset. To do so, use the slider that appears after applying the preset. If any of the Develop Settings is adjusted later on, it will no longer be possible to change the preset’s intensity.

The User category is for presets that you have created yourself. To create your own presets, adjust some editing settings and then save your adjustments as a preset by using the Create Preset [Ctrl+T] item in the Presets menu. To add a preset to your Favorites, click the star icon that appears to the right of that preset when you run the mouse cursor over it. Once you’ve added at least one preset to your Favorites, a Favorites category appears as the first preset category in the list. To export the presets you’ve created, that is, the ones in the User category, use Export Presets in the Presets menu. To load in presets exported by you or someone else, use Import Presets.  To rename a custom preset, right-click it and use the Rename item in the right-click menu. For more information on presets, visit Zoner’s Learn Photography website – read the article named Presets: The Faster Way to Edit Photos.

More information

How Can You Edit Photos Faster While Keeping Your Own Style? Create Your Own Presets

Presets: The Faster Way to Edit Photos