
Use the setting named Color Theme to change the program’s overall appearance. Several themes are available. You can also set the Editor background color, and Thumbnail style.

Here you can also tell the program not to Highlight module switcher buttons.

Underneath these options is a Preview of how toolbars will look with your settings.

Click Change Toolbar Settings… to call up a window for customizing toolbars’ contents.

Automatically show collapsed panels – side panels (navigator, right-side tool panel and filmstrip) can be collapsed and expanded. Enable this option to expand panels when you hover the mouse near the respective border of the program.

Show enhanced tooltips – enable this option to make ZPS X show a tooltip describing a given tool’s general purpose after you hover the mouse over it for 2 seconds. Enhanced tooltips are currently available in the Develop module only.

The Zoner Photo Studio window always shows a title bar at the top if you turn off the option named Hide program’s title bar when maximizing window.

Use the Optimize interface for touch devices option to change Zoner Photo Studio’s interface (mainly the sizes of certain controls) so that it is easier to use with touch controls.

To choose multiple files more easily, especially on touch devices, turn on the Show checkboxes option, located under Options | Thumbnails.